The MobilEyze Protocol Wizard

Simulating and validating CAN protocols has never been easy. V1.0 is capable of simulating and viewing CAN data from the following protocols:
  • NMEA 2000
  • J1939

Following is a quick summary of the tools features (see the Help for more details):
  • Simulators - simulate data on the CAN bus using the selected protocol. You can set the values for data items such that they change periodically based on an initial value, a maximum value, and an interval. Further you can specify whether the value changes based on a Trianglular or Saw Tooth patern (See help for more details).
  • Viewers - provides the ability to view the protocol data currently on the CAN bus.
  • Loggers - feature isn't available in the Beta version but will be in V1.0. The feature will enable you to pick the data to log, set logging intervals and then play back logged data.
The tool supports the following three protocols:
  • SmartCraft - Mercury Marine's proprietary protocol
  • NMEA 2000 - The marine industry's evolving standard protocol
  • J1939 - A long standing protocol used in the industrial and marine industries

Help: Context sensitive help is available using the F1 key.